‘ Maus‘ combines an intricate story of Art’s parents Vladek and Anja survival during the Holocaust and a present narrative where Art listens to the experience from his father, framing the ‘ Maus‘ story. Cartoonist and author Art Spiegelman took a unique approach in recounting his parents’ Holocaust saga a graphic novel. To many, the gruesome details of such a genocide are hard to internalize, even with visiting the concentration camp sites in Central Europe. Countless scholars, historians, and academics have written about the Holocaust’s significance. The Nazis ‘Final Solution’ of removing the Jewish influence from the European continent orchestrated by some of the most reviled men in history remains as a solemn reminder of how a heinous ideology can poison a national consciousness. Systematic murder, genocide, and the closest that humanity has come to exterminating an entire group of people.
The Holocaust was without a doubt one of the darkest moments in world history.